Marine & Civil Construction
Marine and Underwater Concrete
Guerrini marine Construction CC has specialised in marine work related projects, our extensive experience with marine and civil engineering in and around Cape Town South Africa has made us experts in working within surf zones and any coastal work. Projects successfully completed includes, inter alia, the following primary activities:
Construction and Rehabilitation of Tidal Pools
Construction and Rehabilitation of Harbours Slipway
Within these Projects, one of the main key activity is the use of specific underwater concrete methods:
Concrete Production from a floating batch plant
Conventional Tremie placement
Conrete delivery on Transit Mixers
Placing concrete from a Delivery barge
Tremie Placement with Suspended Pipes
Underwater concrete placement requires the focus and deep attention to many factors, i.e. flow-ability and self-compaction, workability retention within defined work window, cohesion against washout, segregation and laitance formation, controlled set time, compressive strength and adequate bond.
Our team of professional engineers and experience commercial divers has allowed our company to complete successfully all the different marine Projects categorised by concrete placement activities.
Marine Pipelines and Marine Outfalls
Guerrini Marine Construction has the knowledge and experience to engineer, construct and project managing a complete range of marine pipeline projects.
The techniques we provide to the industry include:
Onshore pulling
Offshore pulling
Floating and off-bottom towing
Pipeline or bundle towing
The above mentioned techniques have been used as well in connection with offloading lines to terminal or sea-lines which typically provide import or export loading facilities for crude oil, LPG or other refined products.
Furthermore we have been extensively involved on the construction, installation, repairs and maintenance of marine outfalls and seawater intakes.
Pier,Breakwater and Revetment Construction
Since its establishments in 1995, Guerrini Marine Construction has been involved in several Projects involving the construction and rehabilitation of Quay Walls and breakwater marine structures.
Guerrini Marine Construction has constructed numerous structural steel bridges over river beds.